Here are some of the benefits of getting a log cabin to support students with SEND…



Create a safe, calm space ideal for your students with SEND and SEMH.

Environment really matters. The right environment boosts the quality of learning and general experience. Outdoor cabins provide a comfortable, quiet area for break out spaces, small-group work, intervention sessions, and nurture sessions. At Cabins For Schools, we are huge on inclusivity, that’s why we design and manufacture log cabins and outdoor classrooms with SEND in mind. Your school can provide a space which supports your students with SEND and SEMH too! 


Benefits of Outdoor Learning

Our cabins are the ideal additional outdoor spaces. Whether a log cabin or an eco classroom, we can design a build which suits your needs and offers all of the benefits of outdoor learning. When students get outside, it is known to enhance their critical social and emotional learning skills, such as empathy. Also, it has been shown to enhance self-control, having care for others, and independent, self-directed learning. Moreover, time spent in nature helps to develop problem-solving abilities, focus, attention span, and executive function skills. Furthermore, it can bring abstract theories to life and emphasises learning by doing. Importantly, nature-led learning has been shown to result in higher academic achievement, as well as contributing to improved social skills.

Unique Environment

Some students with SEND or SEMH may find the traditional school environment challenging. By providing them with a unique space which doesn’t feel like a standard classroom or office and an area which is detached from the main building, they can access an alternative learning environment on your school grounds. All children deserve a space where they feel ready and able to learn. 

Quiet Place

Perfect for mindfulness and supporting mental health. Students can take in the spruce aromas and listen to the sounds of the birds. 


Our cabins can be designed with a ramp to ensure they are fully accessible for wheelchair users. 

Sensory Potential

Students are able to experience senses they can’t typically get in the traditional classroom, like natural lighting, nature sounds and the spruce aromas. Furthermore, the circular nature of a Scandinavian style cabin allows students to sit in a circle, encouraging eye-contact and the practice of social and communication skills. If you opt for a BBQ cabin, just imagine the further sensory potential there! 


George Spencer Academy agree on the benefits of getting a log cabin to support students with SEND. They chose Cabins For Schools to create ‘The Cloud’, their fantastic SEND classroom. Together, we cultivated a safe and supportive learning environment for pupils with Educational Healthcare Plans and or complex learning needs. 

Springfield School uses their Cabins For Schools BBQ cabin to teach safe fire learning and cooking with their students with SEND as part of their fabulous forest school programme. With their cabin, they can now offer their outdoor learning all year round. The weather is no longer a problem!

We understand that a BBQ isn’t for every school. We also fit cabins with a solar pipe instead of the BBQ option. This will flood your space with natural lighting! 


students learning fire safety in bbq log cabin

Outdoor Play

The research shows that nature-based outdoor play helps stimulate curiosity, creativity, cooperation, and confidence, factors that are all related to life-long success and happiness. Outdoor play also leads to physical and mental development and supports focus and goal setting. 

Green school grounds provide a connection to nature and areas for children in urban communities where these may be less accessible. 

Children are more active outdoors, and outdoor play reduces sedentary time, improving health outcomes. Outdoor play was also found to help children develop fine and gross motor skills.

Health & Wellbeing

Step outside and get fresh air! Not just for the health benefit, but fresh air i’s great for attention levels too. Outdoor learning supports mental, physical, nutritional, and emotional health across all age groups and educational needs. Furthermore, nature-based outdoor environments can reduce stress and increase relaxation. 

Natural school grounds lead to better social-emotional outcomes and enhance long-term health. 


Educational Enhancement 

Time spent in nature helps develop problem-solving abilities, focus, attention span, and executive function skills. Outdoor learning can bring abstract theories to life and emphasises learning by doing.  

Nature-led outdoor learning has been shown to result in higher academic achievement, as well as contributing to improved social skills. 

As an extra bonus, outdoor learning can also contribute to teachers’ mental health and well-being. Who doesn’t love a bit of time in nature?


Read our blog to find out more.

Funding for SEN Provisions

Special Schools Capital Programme

Local authorities must ensure there are sufficient good school places for all pupils, including those with SEN and disabilities. With the Special Schools Capital Programme, local authorities can use available funding as they see fit to improve special provision for children and young people with education, health and care (EHC) plans. This funding can be invested in mainstream schools and academies, special units, special schools and academies, early years settings, and further education colleges, or to make other provision for children and young people aged from 0 to 25. The government encourages local authorities to spend this funding in ways which enhance facilities at educational settings and increase the number of places available to young people with complex needs.