Cutnall Green C of E Primary School's Forest School Log Cabin
Cutnall Green Church of England Primary School is a village school serving the local community and homes around the outskirts of Droitwich (Worcestershire). The school teaches their pupils to 'Love, Learn and Live'. They took their Forest School experience to the next level with a Cabins for Schools Log Cabin. Not just a log cabin but two 14m² cabins connected for the ULTIMATE outdoor learning space! One cabin has a BBQ Grill which offers opportunities for learning about fire, while the other cabin features a solar pipe dome which lets the natural light flood in. Now, their 'Forest Fun' has truly reached new heights, to be appreciated for years, not just by the students but the staff and the community too.Click Here to Watch Our Cutnall Green Case Study Story
Read on to find out how Cutnall Green C of E Primary School's Forest School Log Cabin has had a huge impact...
Forest School Log Cabin Positive Impacts
How has your Log Cabin benefitted your school?
'Firstly, I think it ticks so many boxes for us, such as supporting children academically and being able to take our curriculum outside. What our special Forest School and our Log Cabin offers is a sense of ownership for the children in the learning they have outside and in the cabin. They're able to grow vegetables and light fires, key areas of using natural resources which are important to our school's mission. Furthermore, some of our staff help our pastoral team support children with coming into school and using this as an environment to help connect them with nature, settle them down, and support their emotional wellbeing. Our Log Cabin has just been an unbelievable resource to help our children to develop in so many different ways.'
Are there further ways that your school utilises your Log Cabin?
'We use a lot of our Forest School area for SEN and for nurture groups, so our cabin really is pivotal. It's great for all years - from early years to years 5 and 6, to us teachers! Everyone can access it and enjoy nature and learning outdoors. Furthermore, we've even used our cabin for stargazing as well. We organised a sleepover, we all had a campfire in the cabin using the BBQ Grill and made marshmallows! The children really loved this experience. We're actually looking at inviting some of the inner-city schools within our trust to come and share the area, creating those wider links and enabling more children to benefit.'
How did your school fund your Forest School Log Cabin?
'We've had a project here with our Forest School where everybody has come together, the children, parents, staff, the community, to make this a really special place that the children can access all year. We did lots of fundraising together - in fact I'd say everything in this Forest School has been implemented through fundraising! It really shows the strength of community spirit here.'
Does your Forest School Log Cabin have any additional financial benefits?
'Yes. The financial benefits have been something we didn't initially anticipate. We're actually able to rent our cabin out for therapeutic provision.'
'But really, as our vision has evolved, we've realised our cabin can offer s much more than just a place where children can have Forest School all year round. It's become a real selling point for our school.'
The Children's Verdict
What do you think about your new Forest School Log Cabin?
'We love it! Now we are able to do our Forest Fun learning again and we get to go in the cabin, we just start screaming because it's just so fun!'
'The first thing that ever pops into anyone's minds in year 5 and 6 is: is the cabin open?'
Inspired by Cutnall Green C of E Primary School's Forest School Log Cabin? Check out our range of outdoor classrooms and log cabins